Sounds like a lot of travel and fun. Glad you got to experience all of it. And you came to my town, Gaithersburg. I hope you enjoyed your time here. Ted's Bulletin is lovely. I took my mom there for Mother's day.

I can tell you from experience, not having a driver's license can be very limiting, but it also can make you get more creative and take in moments on public transit (if available) to live in the moment.

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Jun 18Liked by Melissa Firman

What an amazing whirlwind ! I know you enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing❤️

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Jun 17Liked by Melissa Firman

What a month you had! WOW...loved reading about it all. Amazing that you read anything at all. When you are my age and afraid to drive on interstates, remember this time of your life and appreciate it. Planning to get the hummingbird book. Am now read WHAT OWLS KNOW and it is fascinating.

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